ff analytics week 1

Hello to week 1. If you’re new here, you can catch up by reading my introductory post here where I explain the purpose of this series:

Destroying my friends and crushing their spirits using math.

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Resources for Data Science Interviews

On whence someone asked me “now that I am finished with class, what books should I read and videos should I watch in order to learn more about this field?” and I answered “get ready to drink from the firehose.”

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Eat the Low Hanging Fruit to Power Up!

At any company there are at least two problems that are incredibly novel that you as a Data Scientist could unlock. Beyond that though, there are a number of common problems that seem to span across any company in any industry.

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Deploy Your Own Knowledge Repo

One of the best ways to forget what you’ve done is to not catalog it somehow. Munger says that knowledge must hang on a mental latticework in your head, but I say that we should just let the internet remember everything for us. To that end, I’m going to talk about how to deploy a knowledge repository, using the open source tool that the titans over at AirBnB open sourced.

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New Cohort

Tomorrow begins a new cohort in the part-time data science class I teach at General Assembly. This bootcamp thing is fantastic. Note that these views are mine, not necessarily those of Generaly Assembly.

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Some Papers

I’ve been reading some really great papers lately. I am especially curious about the practical applications of abstractive text summarization.

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