Interview Questions for Data Science

Here’s a list of questions that I’ve experienced in interviews or have asked in interviews.

Additionally, there are questions I’ve added in here to keep you on your toes with concepts.


  1. What is a P Value?
  2. What is Standard Deviation?
  3. Would a dataset with a skewed distribution effect modeling?
  4. What’s the difference between the normal distribution and a binomial distribution?
  5. Define a Z Score.
  6. Explain kurtosis.
  7. If I have a right tail skewed dataset, where are most of my values grouped and where is the outlier?

Linear Algebra

  1. Compare and contrast a vector norm with Mean Squared Error.
  2. Describe a use case for a Kalman Filter
  3. Describe the dot product. What are some useful applications of the dot product in machine learning?

Language Questions


  1. Describe a time where you might use flask.
  2. What are some libraries you’ve used for unit testing?
  3. Python has uniform handling of sequences. Describe how you’d pull data from a dictionary, Pandas dataframe, and a list.


  1. Describe a time where you might use Plumber.
  2. What are some libraries you’ve used for unit testing?
  3. In dplyr, there is a character that is used to access a column from a table. What is that symbol?
Written on October 29, 2019