Interview Questions for Data Science
Here’s a list of questions that I’ve experienced in interviews or have asked in interviews.
Additionally, there are questions I’ve added in here to keep you on your toes with concepts.
- What is a P Value?
- What is Standard Deviation?
- Would a dataset with a skewed distribution effect modeling?
- What’s the difference between the normal distribution and a binomial distribution?
- Define a Z Score.
- Explain kurtosis.
- If I have a right tail skewed dataset, where are most of my values grouped and where is the outlier?
Linear Algebra
- Compare and contrast a vector norm with Mean Squared Error.
- Describe a use case for a Kalman Filter
- Describe the dot product. What are some useful applications of the dot product in machine learning?
Language Questions
- Describe a time where you might use flask.
- What are some libraries you’ve used for unit testing?
- Python has uniform handling of sequences. Describe how you’d pull data from a dictionary, Pandas dataframe, and a list.
- Describe a time where you might use Plumber.
- What are some libraries you’ve used for unit testing?
- In dplyr, there is a character that is used to access a column from a table. What is that symbol?
Written on October 29, 2019